Mobile QA: 7 Ways Mobilizer Delivers Easier Testing & Optimization

In Commentary by Dan Engel

Plop in the URL.

Hit return.

And cool your heels for about 35 seconds…

Out pops a fully cooked, 100% accurate visual rendering of your website on 15+ actual, leading mobile devices.

How cool is that? Mobile QA FTW!

Scroll down to inspect the entire page. Look at the analytics on each device to check load time, bounce rate and other metrics that could indicate defective performance or point to successes that should be implemented across all mobile.

Can anything beat the excitement of seeing your diligently designed and coded pages appear in full blazing color on mobile – right from your desktop browser? With such an optimized testing tool, mobile QA no longer has to be an unending, painful process.

That’s why we created Mobilizer. We want to cut the pain and deliver 100% accurate mobile QA results at a remarkable speed. In less than a minute (35 seconds at last counting), Mobilizer provides precise visual renderings of your site on 15+ actual leading phones and tablets – right to your desktop browser.

Without further ado, here are the top 7 ways Mobilizer turns your team’s pain into gain when they are working late** to deliver the best mobile UX.

How Mobilizer Perfects Mobile QA & Optimization

1. Save time ‒ Simply insert in your URL, and in less than a minute, your results are ready for up-close inspection. Access our device lab from anywhere for always convenient testing and quality assurance as a service.

2. Quickly spot issues. Side-by-side screenshots let you identify missing videos, wrong fonts, badly cropped pics, etc.

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3. 100% accurate – Rendered on real devices in our testing lab for total accuracy. Not an emulator with its potential for nasty surprises.

4. Device-level metrics provide greater visibility into your website’s performance ‒ including each device’s share of traffic, bounce rate, load time and conversion rate. Get alerts when key metrics suddenly alter.

5. Local testing ‒ QA your web pages for errors and bugs, even when your staging site sits behind a firewall.

6. Super-sharp screenshots for ongoing QA testing and to share out with stakeholders.

7. The latest devices and OS updates free! No need to rush out and fork over piles of cash for the latest iPhone or Galaxy. Forget about wiring and programming devices for testing. Leave that to our engineers while you happily conduct your mobile QA and save big on time and money

**Way past any reasonable dinnertime and waiting for Dominos to deliver the pizzas.

Mobile1st is a leader in marketing technology and site optimization solutions. More than prioritizing and executing industry leading CRO practices, we do what makes the money; optimizing our Client’s digital commerce product toward consistent financial growth and ROI. All achieved through excellence in Lean UX, Analytics, Research, Experimentation and Development.
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