Elevate Mobile Customer Experience: Make Everyone a CXO

In Mobile Testing by Dan Engel

In our always-on, always-connected mobile era, your company must deliver a near-perfect customer experience across multiple channels to keep attracting and retaining customers versus your competition. Every interaction must be seized as an opportunity to grow trust, loyalty, and appreciation for your brand.

With that heightened customer loyalty, your company can:

  • Drive new word of mouth (and social media) endorsements
  • Maximize rates of customer engagement and conversions
  • Minimize customer churn

“By 2020,” Forester predicts, “customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.

mobile customer experience

Source: Forrester Research

How to Improve the Customer Experience

But how do you deliver superior customer experience in the era of mobile? As the number of channels multiplies, it becomes increasingly difficult to inspect all touchpoints and ensure a consistently superior, memorable engagement.

Here’s the simple, enduring solution to improving customer experience: make everyone, absolutely every employee of your company, a chief experience officer (CXO). Only your employees on the front-lines – up-close and interacting with customers – can ensure every customer touchpoint counts and that every deviation from excellence is quickly identified and rectified.

“Nothing can replace the human touch, especially when that person is empowered to go to just about any lengths to help the customer.”Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

Crucial here is empathy for the customer and placing their experience at the center of everything your employees do. When your team feels empowered by leadership, they can take initiative and step outside the confines of normal company practices to do what’s right for the customer. They can proactively identify issues and improve procedures.

Moreover, customer experience is not just about the human-to-human interaction, but should also be baked into every component of the business with which customers interact. That of course extends to the product, as UX teams perpetually stress, and to the website and its mobile delivery.

The Problem of Mobile Customer Experience

How can you empower your team of CX officers to elevate mobile customer experience in the increasingly core channel of smartphones? Sixty percent of website visitors today access sites through their phones and tablets. It should be everyone’s responsibility to make sure there are no mishaps in the mobile UX, especially now that mobile interaction is the majority of interaction.

Certainly your team needs tools that deliver enhanced understanding of the mobile customer experience. That’s where Mobilizer, the online mobile testing solution demonstrates its value. Mobilizer enables everyone at the company to check how your web pages are being displayed on the top phones and tablets ‒ in mere seconds .

Until now, visibility into your mobile performance was confounded by the vast variety of mobile devices – too many to inspect and ensure your website was delivering the perfect, effortless engagement that online customers demand. In addition, existing mobile page testing tools have been slow, cumbersome, and inaccurate. Only a dedicated QA specialist would have the time and knowhow to launch those programs, select the relevant mobile devices for testing your website, and then inspect them one by one, taking just as long as necessary per device.

Now, thanks to Mobilizer’s ease of use, the full marketing team, operations, product managers, data analysts, and C-level execs can be empowered to ensure a great mobile CX.

Mobile CX: Checkup Made Easy

Insert your URL into Mobilizer, hit enter, and in seconds your website is accurately displayed on the top mobile devices (the actual phones and tablets!) – all shown side-by-side. Any member of your team can immediately identify mobile UX issues by scrolling down the pages and looking for the tell-tale signs of mobile display problems – poorly cropped images, badly placed fold lines, missing videos, and impossible to decipher words, images, and buttons. Don’t let these issues ruin the mobile customer experience of your users any longer!

payless mobile customer experience

Can it get easier than that? Actually, yes! Now Mobilizer’s mobile performance platform is providing automated mobile tests and performance alerts for your website. Our new Automated Renders feature delivers straight to your inbox regularly scheduled renderings of your web pages on mobile for easy review – see your website exactly as your mobile customers see it. With automated mobile tests, you no longer even need to type URLs into the Mobilizer app – it all comes right to you!

Mobile CXOCustomer loyalty rests upon your mobile CX. It’s time to deputize everyone on your team as a mobile CXO. And Mobilizer is here to help!

Mobile1st is a leader in marketing technology and site optimization solutions. More than prioritizing and executing industry leading CRO practices, we do what makes the money; optimizing our Client’s digital commerce product toward consistent financial growth and ROI. All achieved through excellence in Lean UX, Analytics, Research, Experimentation and Development.
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